Friday 23 September 2016

UM2 Circus Skills Night - Shooting Stars!

Unit Meeting 2

We had a visitor from Shooting Stars Circus Skills tonight - what a fabulous night it was!

Juggling skills
The guides spent about half the session learning how to juggle with scarves. This is the most fundamental and most useful circus skill one can learn; it helps in all areas of life, and can help with coordination, sports, learning musical instruments, and all kinds of other activities.

The girls did really well, and even those who thought they would never be able to juggle were able to juggle with 3 scarves by the end of the evening. And from there, they now know enough to be able to progress on their own

Free time with other circus equipment
After this, the guides had free time to experiment with the other circus equipment that Paul had brought along, with guidance from Paul when necessary.  They all had a try at these and had a great time.

  • unicyles
  • juggling with other things
  • skill hats & wigs
  • fire sticks
  • diabolo
  • pedally things
  • mini bikes
  • wiggle skate-boards
All in all, this was a fantastic evening, highly recommended, and good value for money with a group of 28-30 guides.

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