Saturday 12 November 2016

UM7 - BP Games Evening

This week, our little group of four BP girls organised an evening of Cooperative Games, as part of one of their BP challenge clauses.

I was impressed with how they got on - despite all being at different schools and not living close to each other, they managed to communicate and even arranged a meet-up over the holidays to organise themselves.  They each came to the table with several suggestions, discussed how to run each of those games, then made their final selection, and nominated a 'leader' and 'assistant' for each game.

The games they chose were great fun, and they were well prepared and we were all impressed with how they managed the evening.   They've all gone away to write up about their experience to put in their BP files, but this was the feedback we got, and some of our observations.
  1. They were surprised (and a little frustrated) by how difficult it was to get the rest of the unit to listen to them for instructions, and to follow the instructions.
  2. As observers, we were able to see how their 'leadership team' worked - one very definite 'manager', one 'communicator' and a couple of 'workers' . They worked really well together, and we certainly have some potential Young Leaders amongst them.
  3. They realised that with nearly 30 girls, the large-group games need to be very simple, otherwise explaining the rules becomes difficult, especially with a very mixed ability group.

I'll update soon with the games that they chose...

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