Skinning the snake
Everyone stands in a line, with legs apart. The right hand is passed between the legs and linked with the left hand of person behind. The person at the back starts to crawl through the legs of those in front, and the others follow, without letting go, until everyone is standing in a line.Over and Under - ball passing
Girls get into lines of approx 10 girls, each line has a ball, e.g. a football or large foam ball.
Front person passes ball between legs to 2nd, 2nd passes over head behind to 3rd, third passes between legs to 4th, etc. The last person in the line gets the ball and runs to the front, and they repeat. The winning team is the first to get their original 'leader' to the front again.
Poop the Potato.
Form two teams, with a potato for each player.
Put a bucket or small trash can at the goal line. Each person places their potato between their thighs. The object is for each team member to hobble down to their bucket and drop the potato into it. They may not use their hands except to reposition the potato between their legs if it should fall too soon.
The first team to "poop" all their potatoes in their bucket wins.
Malteser Game
- Buy some maltesers: you'll need a few packets becuase people eat loads of them!
- Put them in a bowl in the middle of the group
- Each person needs a straw and a cup
- You also need one dice.
Someone starts by rolling the dice. It keeps going round until someone rolls a six.
When they do, they have to try and get as many maltesers into their cup using just the straw, by sucking the maltesers.
They keep doing this until another person rolls a six and starts sucking instead.
It's so much fun because as you are trying to suck the maltesers you keep laughing at your other mates who keep trying to get a six but can't. It makes it very difficult.
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