Friday 7 October 2016

Games ideas - Games in 2s and 3s

Games taken from:


Divide the girls into teams 3-5 girls each. At the start line have the girls sit down with their legs wrapped around the waist of the girl in front of them. This forms the caterpillar. With the girls attached as a team, the Guider yells go. The girls move together as a unit by using their arms by their sides and lifting and moving their bottoms. The teams race to a designated line or spot. At the line, the girls let go of their link to reform their caterpillar with the girls in the opposite order. The teams continue racing back to the start line.

Body parts
Duration: five minutes Sections: all 

  1. Get the girls into pairs or groups. The larger the group, the more complicated the game gets. 
  2. The Leader calls out a number, and the name of a body part. For example, 'two' and 'hands' mean there should only be two hands touching the floor. 
  3. Groups or pairs can use chairs or other props to help them out - it's up to them to work out how to achieve it. Members of the team must be touching each other in some way. 
Make it harder
Add in a variety of different body parts to your instructions! 

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