Wednesday 5 October 2016


Badge Ideas for next term
  • Chocolate
  • Active Response (or at camp)
Other activity ideas for next term
  • Glow in the dark party (with another unit = BP girls)
  • Fake Wounds evening (BP girls)
  • International Evening (BP girls)
  • Chocolate Thorntons Evening
Summer Term ideas
  • Fire Safety Evening (spring/summer - with fire safety officer visit) + fire Safety badge
Badge Ideas for Winter Camp
  • Active Response
  • Agility
Getting Feedback/girl-led guiding
  • whiteboard
  • post-it notes
  • Graffitti wall (old roll of wallpaper?)
  • girls to suggest games (as well as programme ideas)
Game Ideas
  • Pairs Game - give pair cards out to girls. they must find the other half of their pair by asking questions. Could limit it to only yes/no answers to make it more difficult.
  • Patrol Body Parts Game (leader shouts out a body part and a number, patrol/pair/group have to have ONLY that number of bodyparts touching hte floor - e.g. "4 Hands" or "3 Feet". Can use chairs as a prop.
  • Patrol Challenge Competition 
    • girls in each patrol numbered 1 to 6 (some girls may get 2 numbers)
    • each patrol writes 6 challenges (e.g. quack like a duck, dance like a giraffe, walk with a cup on your head, belly laugh for 20 seconds, etc)
    • put all the challenges in a bag, and four lots of the numbers 1 to 6 - so 24 activities, 24 number slips in the bag
    • pull out one number and one challenge - e.g. number 2, challenge 'walk like an ostrich' - the girl numbered 2 in each patrol must walk like an ostrich. Best gets a sweet.
Activity Box supplies for quiet corner on camp
  • loom bands
  • scratch art magnets
  • paracord buddies

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