Tuesday 11 October 2016

Games Ideas - Patrols

Can you do this?

1. Split into patrols (at least 4 girls per group).
2. Let them know what equipment/timescale/space, etc is available and ask them to each write a challenge on a slip of paper. Point out that they may end up doing some of their own challenges.
3. Example Challenges - walk with a cup on your head, scream for 10 seconds, skip 50 times, juggle 3 beanbags, scare someone, do the chicken dance, act like a clown - so much noise and laughter and we've still got at least half the challenges left for another night...
4. All the challenges are folded up and go in a box. (Probably best if leaders check and veto anything unsuitable or not practical, but it doesn't matter if a challenge appears twice).
5. The girls number themselves within their group, e.g 1-6 (if there are unequal groups then the smaller groups need someone to have two numbers or they may take it in turns to be the extra number).
6. Number slips of paper, enough for the number of challenges, and put in in another box (so if there are 24 challenges and four groups of six girls, you need 4 slips with number 1, 4 with number 2 and so on - i.e. 24 slips in total).
7. To play, simply pull out a number and a challenge - everyone with that number (i..e on per patrol) attempts the challenge. You can have a scoring system of best/fastest/etc, but ours were having so much fun and asking if they could try the challenges when it wasn't their turn that we didn't bother!

Five Minute Fillers

The following games were downloaded from the Girlguidng Website, in their Five-Minute-fillers PDF

Origami races – who’s the quickest?
Duration: five minutes
Sections: Brownies, Guides, The Senior Section
What you need: squares of paper of any colour, a few per person can be cut out of an A4 sheet
  1. Print out or watch these origami tutorials - everything from flowers to sea creatures.
  2. Make sure everyone has practised making the shape decided on, then start racing! You could throw paper aeroplanes/birds and see whose can fly the longest distance or you could make paper boats and float them in a paddling pool/pond.
  3. Once everyone is practised at making the shape, you can run these races with very little preparation whenever there are five minutes to fill. Why not start a leader board with the quickest times?
Encourage the girls to think of ways to use the origami once they've made it, perhaps as decorations. Always recycle the paper you've used when you've finished it. 

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