Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Game Ideas - Patrol Challenges

A4 paper challenge

You have been given 20 sheets of A4 paper, 2 pairs of scissors and a roll of sellotape. There is nothing else. 
Your challenge is to create the following. You are free to choose how to use your time and your paper. Remember this is about TEAMWORK.

Every team must complete tasks 1-4
1. Create the longest paper chain
2. Stretch 1 whole sheet of paper as far as you can - you may need to tear or cut the paper but it must stay in 1 piece. No joins, no glue, no sellotape.
3. Fly the furthest paper aeroplane
4. Make the tallest structure that can stand on its own and will hold an egg

For each challenge
- 1st place - 100 points
- 2nd place - 50 points
- 3rd place - 20 points
- 4th place - 10 points

Bonus challenges (if you choose to do them) 20 points each
- Make a paper hat and wear it
- Make a fortune teller
- Make a Chinese paper lantern
- Make a patterned snowflake

Anyone caught cheating will have 20 points deducted!

Repeat offenders may have an unlimited number of points deducted!

20 Tasks in 20 minutes

Each patrol is given 20 tasks to do.  At least 3 members must complete every activity (you can change this bit). They have to complete as many of the 20 tasks as possible in the time.  Leader selects the tasks from this list:


Draw the Guide badge

make structures / models / sculptures from cocktail sticks and grapes
Grapes, cocktail sticks

transport marbles from one end of the hall to the other using just toilet roll

Throw and catch a bean bag 10 times at least 4m apart

Make a cup of tea for a leader or young leader
Tea-making stuff

Make a table decoration

Set a formal dinner table for 2
Table settings

Draw a portrait of one of the leaders

Get half your patrol upside down

Find out the sum of the current ages of everyone in the patrol

Make a pyramid at least 1 1/2 times the height of a piece of spaghetti
Spaghetti & Sticky tape

Get a Young Leader a glass of water

Write out the Guide promise
Paper, Pens

Get out a table & chairs for your patrol

Do 10 star jumps

Plait the hair of someone in your patrol
Hair bobble

Make up a limerick
Paper, pens

Think of an animal for each letter of the alphabet
Paper, pens

Give someone a hug

Pay 3 people from a different patrol a compliment

Draw a map of the building
Paper, pens

Tie 3 bows

Find out who can do the best evil witch laugh in your patrol, then go and demonstrate to a leader

Make an origami animal
Origami paper

2 people Hulahoop for 1 minute

Walk round the room twice with a plastic cup on your head

Group skip with 2 holding rope and 2 skipping at the same time  -  do at least 10 jumps with 2

Group skip – how many people can you get jumping together?

20 Tasks in 20 minutes

Each patrol is given 20 tasks to do.  At least 3 members must complete every activity (you 

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