Monday 10 October 2016

Harvest Service, new neckers and smart uniforms

This week we were invited to attend the Harvest Family Service of the church where we meet each week.  We are not a sponsored/affiliated unit, and of course, Girlguiding is not a church-related organisation, but we very much appreciate the fact that our church very generously lets us use the church hall every week of the year for a nominal fee, and supports us in whatever we are doing.  So, once in a while, when we are invited to join in church community events, we try to do so.

We were invited to attend both the service and the harvest lunch afterwards.  Five of our guides came along, and we were welcomed very warmly by everyone there - they made a big fuss of the girls, and ensured we were all involved in the service.  It was a lovely celebratory service.

Many of the Church members were very interested in the Guides' uniforms and our unit's new chosen neckers.  Everyone commented how smart and distinctive the new uniforms looked, and how our little row of Guides brightened up the front of the church.  The girls were able to explain how they had chosen the colours for the neckers themselves, and how the necker trims matched the zips and detailing on the new Guide uniform jackets.

As well as being a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours for all of us, it also felt worthwhile as an opportunity for the girls to 'show off' and share a little about their guiding experiences and their uniforms with a very appreciative audience.

Happy Guiding, happy guides, happy leader.

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